Exam introduction EDiR – May 18, Ankara

Open exclusively to TRD and ESR members.

The examination is open to TRD and ESR members only. Become ESR member to unlock the exclusive reduced fee. Contact membership@myESR.org to become ESR member.


Applications must be made directly through the Türk Radyoloji Derneği (TRD). Please contact Sezin Erginay at sezinerginay@trd.org.tr for registration and inquiries. Places will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity is reached.

Who can sit the examination?

Licensed radiologists and radiology residents who are in their last year of the Turkish radiology training programme.
ESR active members.



  • A proof of training indicating the duration of radiology training and expected date of completion (if not completed) issued by the training institution
  • ESR membership number
  • A scanned copy of your passport or ID


Please note that candidates are responsible for the validity of all documents and the application data.

For further information, please contact the EDiR team at diploma@myebr.org or Sezin Erginay at sezinerginay@trd.org.tr