Examination services management
We help you transition to digital assessment
By leveraging digital technology, the EBR ensures a streamlined and secure assessment process, facilitating easier access for candidates and more accurate, timely results.
This digital transformation supports continuous improvement in educational standards and enhances the overall quality and consistency of radiological training and evaluation across Europe.
Main features of
our EDiR Examination
Large and simultaneous examinations
Uploading and marking of questions from anywhere and from any device
DICOM viewer integrated
Quick display of images
Examination not interrupted if Internet connection is lost
Only Google Chrome web browser required!
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): Only one answer is correct
Multiple Response Questions (MRQs): Multiple answers may be correct
Annotated images: The labels on the image have to be matched with the correct answer
Free text questions: No answer options listed
Abnormality location: Recognition of the abnormality on the image provided
Your exam can be fully computer-based with the CORE part that features a DICOM viewer with several tools such as automatic and manual window levels for case analysis, which mimics the daily routine of a radiologist.
Control your certification process from the beginning to the end by having direct access to the back end to manage your questions, examinations and results
Type 1: Annual licence
Administrator rights are granted with access to all the features of the platform:
- Upload, review and edit your questions
- Create, configure and manage different types of assessments (sample and mock assessments, examinations)
- Access to the real-time monitor during the exam
Access to the results and statistics of the questions
Type 2: Examination management service
The EBR office manages the entire process:
- The licensee only has to provide the questions in Word or Power Point format
- The EBR office uploads the material, sets up the exam and monitors the exam in real-time on the day of the event. They create candidate and examiner accounts
- Finally, the EBR office provides the licensee with the final results
Our E-Examination solution
With our E-Examination solution you can provide an exam experience that gives candidates the flexibility to take the exam close to their home. For local organisers, it is the safest and most cost-efficient option. Lean back and relax: The EBR will remotely set up and monitor the exam process.
- Online e-examination solution to bring your diploma closer to candidates in an easy and effective way.
- Organisation of fully computer-based, online and simultaneous examinations from different hospitals and learning institutions. Both the venue and the technical equipment must meet the prerequisites set by the EBR.
- No previous on-site preparation is required.
Organise Exams taken
from home with live proctoring
- Live proctoring with your own proctors or with external and experienced proctors
- Record the webcam and the computer screen of the candidate
- Record a second perspective of the room using the camera of the candidate’s mobile phone
- Record the sound
- Communication with the proctor using a chat
- Access to the complete recordings after the exam
- GDPR compliant