The EBR is an organisation dedicated to the investigation, development and implementation of certification and accreditation activities and programmes, including examinations and other instruments of qualification certification for general and sub-specialised physicians, programme evaluation and accreditation of continuing medical education activities, accreditation of training institutions and similar organisations, as well as monitoring and harmonising qualification and training standards in the field of radiology, imaging diagnosis, and other medical specialties in Europe.


A diploma available to radiologists certifying that the holder has a level of knowledge and competency in line with the European Society of Radiology (ESR) European Training Curriculum for Radiology.


The EBR aims to serve patients and medical professionals by certifying that its diploma holders have obtained and demonstrated a standard of knowledge and skill as laid out in the ESR European Training Curriculum for Radiology. The EBR is also dedicated to continuously improving and adapting the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR) in line with the European Training Curriculum for Radiology—a living document subject to regular updates and revisions.


Within the next few years, the European Diploma in Radiology will be an internationally recognised certificate of radiological competence. It will become an accepted additional qualification, helping health institutions in Europe and around the world recognise the skills and competencies of medical professionals from other jurisdictions.


To serve the interests of patients, medical professionals and healthcare institutions by ensuring a single European standard of radiological training and education.
To certify that diploma holders have the knowledge and skills required to meet this European standard of radiological education.
To encourage continuous education and revision within the discipline of radiology throughout Europe.
To introduce greater harmony and standardisation into the diverse field of European qualifications and educational requirements.


The ACI is a one-step guide to CME accreditation, which supports the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) in delivering and harmonising the highest level of CME in imaging.


The ACI aims to provide the highest level CME available today. The ACI’s purpose is to make managing CME quick and easy for all applicants and to be the beacon of European and global CME.


Within the next few years, CME will become increasingly sought after in Europe and on a global scale. In addition, education and the way it is provided will develop in the direction of worldwide collaboration and harmonisation. The EBR/ACI wants to be a part of that process by putting itself at the forefront of a new era of CME, a development which will ultimately benefit all patients.


To take continuing medical education to the next level by filling needs gaps.
To not only be recognised worldwide but sought after worldwide.
To work together with providers to offer imaging specialists the continuing medical education they are seeking so they may offer the care patients need.
To truly continue medical education.